Like, post 191?
Someone was supposed to help me update this blog but that somebody's so lazy. :p
School's normal.
Nothing much to blog about, really.
Got alot of stuff at hand.
SLC, review committee, cheering competition, emcee for campfire...
Yea I'm the emcee for our guides campfire.
With yiyao and qingyi HAHA.
Hope can do it well and do guides proud.
Not like I haven't had this feeling before.
Seriously got nothing to say.
Nowadays seriously don't feel like blogging.
No reason to, probably.
So, signing off!
If you ever happen to drop by,
just leave a tag.
Must horh.
Haha :p
7:47 PM sprinklinq love Y
Today's a tiring day.
Something we always hear in 3A. (especially from juntang -.-)
Finally exams are over.
Suddenly feel nostalgic.
Don't want to elaborate.
SC elections are here.
And deadline's this friday.
Most of the councillors I know (in yr 3) are quitting.
At first I was thinking about writing a long post on how I feel about this "great" phenomenon that most of the people who quit always come from year 3,
but I decide not to.
Or maybe I shall.
It kinda hurts when you hear your close SC-friends quitting council.
Not that I am blaming them because most of them probably can't adjust to the stress.
Then now I feel so alone in the council.
Coz people whom I'm close to are going to be gone.
Deeply saddened.
Because the council won't be what it is today if not for you guys.
When I ask someone if he/she is quitting council,
I get a very happy nod.
Which leads me to thinking,
you seem like you have finally got rid of a burden.
If council is considered a burden to you, why join in the first place?
After we alighted from the 243, huiying asked me what I wrote for my composition, which coincidentally was about what a student leader should possess.
The first thing that come to my mind?
Without sacrifice, there won't be any place for commitment.
Without sacrifice, you can't assume great responsibility.
Sacrifice is a very big word you know.
You sacrifice your shopping time, tv time, outing time, even sleeping time, in order to complete SC duties.
It is definitely not easy.
You think standing on the platform in morning assemblies being high and cheering like crazy when no one down stage actually cares is easy?
When people are probably laughing at your face saying how retarded you look?
I even have people saying I look stupid up there. Which hurts. A lot.
the council is for the students.
What the council does is for the students.
I am not actually accusing the students but hey,
the council probably end up like this because of you guys who aren't willing to give us a chance.
Because of you guys who think we are useless therefore leading to us being demoralised.
Come on,
I probably think those SCs who quit council will probably start talking bad about us behind our backs.
You can't just sit down there and shake your legs and expect some major change to happen to the school.
A school's still a school.
Rules have to be there.
You can't expect the school to be a shopping centre right?
The council is there to make sure school life's at least, not boring.
The council ain't led by Hitler you know.
You can't expect us to dominate the school and make school life as interesting as you like.
"I will change your school life and make it interesting".
Come on, how many times have you heard that over the years?
And has your school life really changed a lot?
Nah you gotta be kidding me.
What we can guarantee is that school life won't be bad. Will be acceptable. Will stay status quo and may even be slightly better.
If you don't give the council a chance,
I guess the student councillors won't give themselves the chance to try either.
Being a SC is really hard.
You have to risk your friends talking bad about you coz you are just too guai.
You have to risk being called a teachers' pet.
You have to risk being a laughingstock.
It is seriously not easy.
Okay the above was,
just the emotional side of me taking over yea?
Coz I am really really tired. As in, drained out.
Feeling sleepy yawns.
So tendency to think ALOT.
I hope people who come to read my blog actually understands how I really feel ahs.
3:13 PM sprinklinq love Y
Happy birthday to me(:
Thanks to all who made my birthday a pleasant one.
Especially those who sms-ed me a few minutes after midnight.
But it's probably because you people are busy mugging.
Didn't expect the first person to sms me was _____.
Unbelievable seh. It's a guy lah. Duh.
Okay enough of this crap.
Dedicate this portion of my post to onghuiying.
Thanks for the mega present!! (:
But I got no place to keep it 0.0
Birthday wishes:
1. _________________
2. _________________
3. _________________
Normally I would say my birthday wishes out, but they always don't come true.
So this time, I shan't say it out.
Just to tell you I have 3 wishes.
Hope they will come true.
this birthday girl over here wishes all who come to my blog good luck for MYE!!
Love's in the air heeheee(:
9:55 PM sprinklinq love Y